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Political Gumbo: Out of The Ashes

Published on Monday, January 20, 2025 | 4:00 am

There is no need to rehash what has happened.

Truth to tell, I’m tired of seeing videos of Altadena in ruins.

It’s time to talk about what happens next.

The Altadena Strong movement has started, as local residents begin the long process of rebuilding a community.

Yes, the fire was devastating.

But remember, many of the families that came here did so to overcome the devastation of hate and bigotry not just from the South, but also in response to the Watts riots.

Yes, we have lost our homes. Yes, the buildings are in ruins.

But the human spirit endures.

And there is no fire that burns brighter than the human spirit.

There are a lot of people talking about who the heroes are and doing the “Thank you for your service” thing to the County’s first responders.

The heroes I see are the people and families who lost their homes and are committed to rebuilding our community.

Some of those people have lived here for generations, proudly.

The people and the families made Altadena great, and the people and families will make it great again.

To neighbors, I continue to mourn your loss and thank you for your love and commitment to this community.

Altadena is the Center of the Universe, I just stole that from Pasadena’s Mayor Victor Gordo.

I just gave him attribution, so it’s no longer pilfered.

Respect to the Pasadena Mayor and the City Council’s continued concern and willingness to help in Altadena’s recovery.

But it’s about time the sun spun around us for a while.

Altadena will rise again, because the people will rise to the occasion.

That said, I’ll add this.

I keep hearing how committed the county is to the rebuilding effort, and it all sounds good.

Mean what you say. If you backtrack, I will carry an annexation sign around town and into a Pasadena City Council meeting my damn self.

And that comes from a son of Altadena whose family was one of the first Black families on Altadena Drive, and who rode on the first bus after the school district was integrated by court order.

If the County is not committed to Altadena, then Altadena should not be committed to the County.

Freedom fighters like Owen Brown came here, and men who broke color barriers lived here, such as Sidney Poitier.

They’re not the only ones, remember people impact places.

It’s in our DNA to stand in the face of adversity.

The residents of Altadena can become a powerful voting block that influences elections if we stand together.

Grandfather our homes so people have the option to rebuild them exactly as they were.

Streamline the permitting process.

We need help, make sure we get it.

Get to work.

By the way, to the deputies blocking the streets, don’t let CNN and those TV folks in here with their cameras and deny local reporters who live and grew up here access.

I don’t like it.

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