A light City Council meeting this week, but that does not mean that committees are taking the week off.
Legislative Policy, chaired by Vice Mayor Steve Madison, will hear an item on an ordinance that would provide training to all advisory bodies created by the City Council every year.
Advisory bodies, well they advise the City Council, at least they are supposed to.
This one’s a no-brainer and absolutely necessary. We have covered some of the issues coming out of commissions.
Members of advisory bodies already receive some ethics training under AB 1234 every other year, which was signed way back in 2005 by Gov. Schwarzenegger.
Feels weird even writing that now.
Either way, 2005 was a long time ago and things have changed a lot.
Nowadays, it seems that people create monsters of those who disagree with them.
Yes, the left does it too.
And it does happen locally.
Elected officials, appointed ones and City staff shouldn’t behave that way.
Come to think of it neither should the public when they comment on matters at public meetings.
Tolerance should be our guiding light even as we move through complicated matters.
Maybe it’s social media or just too much media.
Either way, here’s a bit from the agenda on the matter:
“It is essential that all Commissioners sitting in a quasi-judicial role understand due process requirements and especially the duty to serve with impartiality.”
As Commissions continue to take on hot button issues like rent control and police oversight, the training will be primary.
And let me say now, no I’m not saying those Commissioners are the only ones that should receive training.
Truth to tell, I wish members of the school board would stop by also.
Definitely wouldn’t hurt. The City Attorney can’t sit in on every meeting.
Of course nobody expects those appointed to be robots.
That said, passions and emotions can easily boil over.
But that’s where the training is paramount.
Hopefully it contains the simple formula “advise not villainize.”
Keep Nietchze in mind.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.”