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President of PCC Resigns

Citing "personal family reasons" Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo resigned her position as superintendent/president of Pasadena City College

Published on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 | 9:18 am

After much consideration, the Board of Trustees of the Pasadena Area Community College District and Dr. Paulette J. Perfumo, superintendent/president of Pasadena City College, have reached an agreement by which Dr. Perfumo will relinquish her current leadership role as president of PCC for personal family reasons. The Board expresses its appreciation to Dr. Perfumo for her service to the District and wishes her and her family the best.

During her tenure at PCC, Dr. Perfumo’s many accomplishments have included the completion of the Measure “P” construction projects for the new Industrial Technologies Building, Campus Center, and Bookstore and the completion of a major technology infrastructure/upgrade project to enable the college to purchase and utilize an integrated database management system for a state-of-the-art delivery of instruction and services to students.

A hallmark of Dr. Perfumo’s leadership was in the area of community outreach. Among her many innovative initiatives were the president’s Ambassadors Program, which has allowed selected PCC students to speak at area high schools and middle schools in order to encourage local high schools to complete and transfer to college; new partnerships with the Pasadena Unified School District designed to provide bridges to higher education for youth not currently pursuing college and/or advanced career education; new fundraising initiatives with the PCC Foundation, including the Center for the Arts campaign, “Arts Alive!”; and VISION 2020, a community-based process for input into the creation of a new Educational Master Plan for future educational programs, services, and facilities.

Serving as president of the San Gabriel Foothill Association of Community Colleges (SanFACC), Dr. Perfumo has been able to successfully advocate for PCC and all California community colleges with both the California Legislature and Congress.

Although Dr. Perfumo intends to relocate to Northern California to be closer to her family, the District and Dr. Perfumo have agreed to have her continue in a special administrative assignment to provide focus on projects related to legislation, advocacy, and new grant opportunities with the goal of creating potential additional revenue streams to benefit the District during this time of statewide fiscal upheaval. After her new administrative assignment, Dr. Perfumo anticipates retiring.

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