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Purchase of 17 Gasoline Powered Vehicles Held After Some Residents Say Go Electric

Published on Monday, July 12, 2021 | 6:30 pm

The City Council voted to hold a $672,512 purchase order with 72 Hour LLC for 17 vehicles (eight sports utility vehicles and nine trucks) on Monday and decided to send the item to the Municipal Services Committee.

Opponents of climate change called on the city to invest in electric vehicles instead of purchasing the gasoline burning vehicles.

The call for climate friendly vehicles as temperatures continue to soar and wildfires rage out of control in parts of the country.

“Please don’t embarrass the many scientists and engineers living in Pasadena by investing in gasoline powered SUVs,” said Beth Fabrinsky. “Show Pasadena for the future-thinking home of technology and science that she is and go electric.”

As part of the approved FY 2022 Operating Budget, a three-year fleet replacement plan is being implemented to address the city’s aging fleet. This three-year plan prioritizes the city’s vehicle replacement needs in support of each department’s operations, ensuring safe modes of transportation and vehicle equipment for staff to perform their duties and services, decreasing fleet maintenance and repair costs, and simultaneously allowing a consolidated effort to group similar vehicle types for economies of scale and efficient purchasing process.

“I would encourage you to purchase electric vehicles instead of gasoline powered vehicles,” wrote Joyce Whitehouse. Everyone, including the city should do all they can to phase out fossil fuels.”

Currently there are no electric vehicles that contain the necessary equipment the city needs. The SUVs will be used for public safety.

The item was approved via a sweep motion on consent calendar items at Monday’s meeting.

The council approved a resolution authorizing officials to apply for a state grant under the Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF).

The city’s application under the current notice of funding availability will be for $5 million, the maximum permitted under the program regulations.

If awarded, the funds must be used for the creation, rehabilitation or preservation of affordable housing, transitional housing and emergency shelters.

The city must provide a dollar-for-dollar local match of LHTF funds.

The Housing Department issued a Request for Project Proposals on June 30 to identify potential projects that would be eligible and competitive to receive LHTF funds should the City’s application result in an award from the state,” according to a city staff report.

The application deadline for the current funding cycle is Aug. 3. It is anticipated that the state will announce grant awards by October.

The City Council also approved:

• A $141,576 purchase order to Marx Brothers Fire Extinguishers for fire extinguisher maintenance at city buildings and in city vehicles.

• A $137,676 contract to Best Contracting for roof replacement of a storage shed at the city yard at 345 W. Mountain St. The new roof will replace a 5,625 square-foot 30-year old compromised roof decking, multiple leak locations and has surpassed its useful life expectancy, requiring a complete roof replacement. The storage shed is used to house and protect various tools, chemicals and materials used by the Public Works Street Maintenance Division and the Public Works Resource Recovery and Recycling Division.

• A $1.2 million contract with Calpromax Engineering for pedestrian safety enhancements at signalized intersections.

• A one-year $253,000 contract with two optional one-year extensions with Crosstown Electrical & Data Inc. for maintenance services for intelligent transportation system devices. The contract will allow traffic management functionality to be maintained for day-to-day operations, special events, freeway incidents, construction detours, and other emergency scenarios. Services also include the maintenance of closed circuit TV cameras at existing citywide locations, traffic signal equipment, fiber optic cable, and the troubleshooting of video detection systems. The previous ITS maintenance contract expired on June 30, 2021.

• Approval of a final tract map for the creation of five air parcels on North Wilson Avenue.

• Approval of a final tract map for the creation of 56 air parcels on East Del Mar Boulevard.

• Approval of a final tract for the creation of eight air parcels on Oswego Street.

• A 265,580 service contract with Aqua-Serv engineers to furnish and deliver chemical water treatment services for the Glenarm Water Plant. The contract supports the chemical water treatment program at the Glenarm Power Plant for treating various cooling water systems, bearing cooling water systems, and gas turbine chilled water systems. The treatment programs are necessary for the operation of the power plant equipment. The programs include handling, monitoring and chemical injection of processed water in order to minimize problems associated with metal corrosion, mineral scale deposits, and microbiological growth to plant equipment.

• Approval of $167,843 in California Emergency Solutions and Housing recommendations and approval of $293,785 in homeless housing assistance and prevention funding recommendations.

• Tax equity and fiscal responsibility act resolution for the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) obligations for the benefit of Pasadena Studios, a 180-unit micro apartment project.

• A $300,000 contract with Norman A. Traub and Associates for human resources workplace investigation services. According to a city staff report, the Human Resources Department conducts administrative investigations into allegations of workplace misconduct utilizing a combination of Human Resources staff and external investigators. The department utilizes the services of outside investigators to conduct certain sensitive or complex investigations and during periods where service demands exceed available internal resources.

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