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Renowned Interventionist Ed Storti to Discuss His Innovative “Storti Model”

Pasadena Recovery Center’s Speaker Series Special Guest will be Ed Storti on November 12th Hosted by Mackenzie Phillips

Published on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 | 4:26 pm

Pasadena Recovery Center is pleased to welcome Ed Storti to the groundbreaking speaker series on Tuesday November 12th at 12:00 p.m. Ed will be doing a presentation on  innovative Storti Model – A remarkably successful method of addiction intervention which has been developed over the past 32 years.

The model itself is based on the concept of creating a positive atmosphere during an intervention rather than a negative one, and focuses on presenting the treatment as a gift to the addicted individual. The Storti model has proven extremely effective in encouraging patients to seek immediate help with  dependencies, and does so in a compassionate and dignified manner.

Pasadena Recovery Center Speaker Series hosts amazing authors, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and experts to talk about  personal experiences with addiction and the way it has affected both the speakers and the people around.

Pasadena Recovery Center is a 98-bed drug and alcohol treatment center located in the charming historic district of Pasadena that was co-founded in 2000 by renowned psychiatrist Dr. Lee Bloom, Dr. Lee’s daughter, Criminal Defense Attorney Alison Triessl, and Michael Bloom. Known for  12-step based comprehensive treatment program, Pasadena Recovery Center is dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive, and affordable care to those suffering from chemical dependency. Pasadena Recovery Center is located at 1811 N Raymond Ave., Pasadena.

Ed Storti is an Intervention Specialist, who has been practicing motivational intervention techniques for decades, winning the loyalty of clinics and the gratitude of clients in over 3500 interventions. He is the author of Crisis Intervention: Acting Against Addiction (Crown Publishing Company, 1988) and Heart to Heart: The Honorable Approach to Motivational Intervention (Carlton Press, 1995, republished in 2001). Ed is also a contributing author of the book Addiction Recovery Tools, Robert Holman Coombs, Editor, (Published by Sage Publications, 2001).

For more information, visit

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