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Rental Housing Board to Hear Report on Rent Stabilization Department Budget

Published on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 | 5:06 am

The Pasadena Rental Housing Board on Wednesday will receive a report on a $4.6 million operating budget for the city’s Rent Stabilization Department for Fiscal Year 2025.

If the budget is approved, eight additional full-time employees will be added to the department.

“To effectively fulfill its mission, the RSD recommends an operating budget of $4,696,732 and authorization to add eight new full-time equivalent employees that will increase the number of FTE in the department to 17.0 FTE total,” according to a report contained in the Board’s agenda.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Robinson Park Recreation Center, 1081 N Fair Oaks Ave.

The new positions would include two management analysts, a housing counselor, a public information specialist, two hearing officers, a new legal assistant, and a new customer service representative.

Revenues collected from the $214.71 Rental Housing fee on all rental units subject to the City Charter Amendment will fund the department.

The recommended Rental Housing Fee includes $1.8 million in estimated expenses that are anticipated to occur in the current fiscal year.

All revenues to support the start-up of the new department in Fiscal Year 2024 as well as the operating expenses for Fiscal Year 2025 are incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2025 Rental Housing Fee.

In total, $2,249,582 will be used for personnel. According to the staff report, an additional $1,596,327 will be used for services and supplies, $760,823 will go to internal services charges, and $90,000 will be used for capital outlay.

The final recommended budget will go to the Board at a meeting next month and the City Council’s EDTECH Committee during budget hearings.

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