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Sierra Madre Public Library Receives Grant for New Books!

Published on Friday, July 19, 2013 | 1:47 pm

Sierra Madre’s Public Library was the recipient of a one-time grant of $7,500 from the state library and was able to purchase over 400 new, print books. New books include children’s, teens, popular fiction, classics, non-fiction and reference materials.

All new books are part of collections with high demand and high circulation. Library Director Carolyn Thomas said, “We made a real effort to acquire new versions of classics and we refreshed popular books with immaculate new copies. We also bought many Newbery and other award-winning children’s books as well as some reference books we would not have been able to afford otherwise.”

Stop by the library and see the impressive display of the new books. Grant funding is Library Services & Technology Act (LSTA) funds, allocated from the California State Library.

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