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South Pasadena Christian Church: “Family Promise” What It Is and Why the Church is Involved

Published on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 | 4:10 pm

Family Promise is a nationwide organization that provides resources for homeless families. The South Pasadena Christian Church [SPCC] is a part of an Interfaith Hospitality Network. For more information click here!

How it works:

• On a local scale this is accomplished through area networks made up of places of worship willing to house families as they look for housing and work.

• Each individual network (in SPCC’s case, Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley) raises funds through donations and grants to secure a day center where the families can look for work/housing, do laundry and shower and hire a network director/social worker to assist the families in finding resources.

The Local Church Part:

• South Pasadena Christian Church [SPCC] is one of a dozen plus churches committed to housing these families and feeding them for a week at a time. So no one congregation has to bear too much of the burden the families rotate between churches each week.

• This means SPCC will host families from Sunday evening to Sunday morning, every two/three months. While with SPCC to provide each family with their own space and bedding, as well as a family dinner, a simple breakfast and sack lunches.

• To ensure the safety of the residents there need to be two volunteers at the church with the families at all times. Typically this falls into two categories, volunteers to cook dinner and eat with the families; and volunteers to spend the night to handle any need that arises.

Why SPCC is Involved:

South Pasadena Christian Church [SPCC] is committed to ministering to the needy and hurting of the world. Unfortunately SPCC is limited in size and resources to confront the overwhelming problem of homelessness in Southern California. Family Promise allows SPCC to connect with an organization and other churches with a similar and worthwhile goal to accomplish greater things in the name of Christ.

What Can You Do?

• Volunteer to cook or stay the night; get their family and friends to serve with them!
Click here to get involved!

• Donate money, food, bedding, and supplies to help us help homeless families!

South Pasadena Christian Church, 1316 Lyndon St., South Pasadena, (626) 799-0718 or visit

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