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Supervisor Kathryn Barger Signs Proclamation Declaring Local Emergency in Response to Bobcat Fire

Published on Sunday, September 13, 2020 | 5:13 pm
A firefighter stands on his truck to watch closely the Bobcat Fire over the Monrovia Mountains on Sunday, September 13, 2020. (Photo by James Carbone)

On Sunday Supervisor Kathryn Barger signed a proclamation to declare a local emergency in Los Angeles County as a result of the Bobcat Fire located in the San Gabriel Valley.

The Bobcat Fire ignited on September 6 in the Angeles National Forest, north of the communities of Sierra Madre, Arcadia, Monrovia, Bradbury, Duarte and Azusa. The fire poses extreme danger to the persons and property in its immediate vicinity and the emergency proclamation declares that the conditions are or likely to be beyond the control of local resources and will require the additional combined forces to combat.

“For several days, the brave men and women of the Los Angeles County Fire Department have been battling the Bobcat Fire, working tirelessly with their partners to ensure the protection of life and property,” said Supervisor Barger. “I urge all residents in the affected areas to heed local orders and the direction of emergency personnel. If you are asked to evacuate, please comply for your safety and for the safety of our first responders.”

Thus far, the Bobcat Fire has burned more than 30,000 acres, leading to evacuations of residents and necessitating multiple human and pet sheltering operations. The Bobcat Fire poses a threat to residential, business and critical infrastructures in the area and the proclamation declares the need for continued mutual aid assistance to combat the Bobcat Fire.

The proclamation will be ratified by the Board of Supervisors during its regularly scheduled Board meeting on Tuesday. All county departments and agencies are directed to provide assistance and monitor efforts as applicable.

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