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Thanksgiving with Chef Perry

Published on Friday, November 20, 2015 | 11:32 am

Thanksgiving is the time to indulge in classic food and spend time with your loved ones. It’s not the location that matters as much as the company and the food.

This year, consider leaving the cooking to someone else and have a memorable meal out with your loved ones. The Langham Huntington offers a delectable feast with all the flavor and none of the clean up.

“The holiday is an opportunity for me to cook a little bit more freely… [Still] keeping within the concept of a steakhouse but making it a little bit more special. I would say the food is a bit more refined,” said Chef Perry.

This year’s menu includes baby pumpkin soup served in a roasted pumpkin with Dungeness crab, braised veal cheeks and of course, the traditional turkey, classic stuffing and black truffle mashed potatoes.

They also offer an Aztec wood grilled salad for vegetarians. “We get a really kind of nice smoky element to the salad, typically unexpected. It’s going to be served with fresh heart of palm and artichokes and pumpkin seeds,” said Chef Perry.

The menu is an elegant version of Thanksgiving. “We’re just taking all of those traditional things and it’s pushing it to maybe just another place that’s a little bit more thoughtful,” he said.

This includes a labor-intensive turkey masterpiece that utilizes all parts of the turkey in he stuffing and sauces. Chef Perry also cooks the breasts and legs separately and then brines, rolls, steams and deep fries to achieve a uniform turkey with crispy skin all around.

“To be honest, it is a ton of work but I feel like it’s really worth it. I feel like it’s really special,” said Chef Perry.

Enjoy Thanksgiving at The Langham Huntington’s Royce Wood-Fired Steakhouse, located at 1401 South Oak Knoll Avenue. in Pasadena.

Thanksgiving Dinner is available from 4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. The three-course dinner costs $95 per adult without wine; $140 per person including wine; $48 per child under 12*

For reservations, please call (626) 585-6410.



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