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The Frostig Center Elects New Board Officers, Welcomes New Trustees

Published on Monday, June 15, 2015 | 11:14 am
From L-R: Jeff Bloedorn, Lowry Ewig, Dr. Gordon McComb and Rose Nielsen

The Frostig Center Board of Trustees elected new officers to guide the non-profit organization in 2015-16 and also welcomed five new members.

Nancy Hogg, a retired public school administrator with the Walnut Valley Unified School District, will take over as board chair on July 1. She will be assisted by Vice-Chair Deborah Baroi, also a retired school administrator, and Secretary Vicki Seamons, owner of The Wren Group, an architecture and design firm based in Pasadena. Longtime Trustee Peggy Orlando will continue to serve as treasurer.

The new trustees bring a rich variety of interests and expertise to the board. Jeff Bloedorn is chief of facilities at Covina-Valley Unified School District; Lowry Ewig is a retired speech and language therapist; Dr. Gordon McComb is a neurosurgeon with Children’s Hospital LA Medical Group; Lee Mothershead is the retired dean of Southwestern Academy, and Rose Nielsen is a community volunteer with a background in development.

“The Frostig board is a wonderful mix of 21 men and women who have expertise in education, business, medicine, law, finance and much more,” Executive Director Dean Conklin said. “They all care deeply about improving the lives of children with learning disabilities and will push Frostig to become a better, stronger organization.”

The Frostig Center, a non-profit organization in Pasadena, strives to improve the lives of children with learning differences through an integrated program of research, professional development and community outreach, and education. Frostig School offers a full range of academic and support services for children with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and auditory processing disorders), high-functioning autism and ADHD.

For additional information about The Frostig Center call (626) 791-1255 or visit our website at


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