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The Latest Version of the McDade OIR Shooting Report Online Here

Published on Sunday, December 6, 2015 | 12:30 pm

Various versions of the Office of Independent Review Group’s report on the March, 2012 officer-involved shooting of Kendrec McDade have been issued by the Pasadena City Attorney’s Office over the 16 months, each with redactions.

Those redactions, originally said to have been prompted by personnel confidentiality concerns, led to a court case in which the Pasadena Police Officers Association attempted to prevent the majority of the report released while attorneys representing McDade’s mother argued the complete report should be unsealed.

The most recent version, with the fewest redactions yet, was released by the City last week on December 2 in response to a court order by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James Chalfant.

To read the report in full, click here.


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