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Tornek Takes District 7

Tornek edges York in District 7 run-off election

Published on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | 9:46 pm

Pasadena voters decided Tuesday that Terry Tornek will replace Sid Tyler as District 7 City Councilmember.

Tornek won the race with 1,087 to 937 votes for Margaret York.

Tornek, a former city planner, almost won the race outright in the March 6 elections, capturing 47% of the vote and falling just short of the percentage required to secure the seat.

During the run-off campaign, York secured the endorsement of former opponent Ciran Marie Hadjian.

“I closed the gap fairly well,” York said Tuesday night. “We had a lot of people supporting us in the field.”

Tornek said he was pleased with the outcome and plans to meet soon with City Manager Michael Beck.

Voters in District 7 said that traffic is the number one issue.

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