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Union Street Two-Way Protected Bikeway Construction Nears Completion

Published on Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 5:48 pm

Construction of the Union Street Two-Way Protected Bikeway (Cycle Track) project is nearing completion, according to a memo from Tony Olmos, Pasadena’s Director of Public Works. The project is expected to be finished in July 2023.

The Bikeway is designed to provide a safe and convenient way for people to bike between Pasadena City College, Caltech, and downtown Pasadena, and points in between. The project also aims to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

The concept provides for a protected two-way bicycle lane on the south side of Union Street from Hill Avenue to Arroyo Parkway and a new bike boulevard on Holliston Avenue between Union Street and Cordova Street.

The contractor is currently installing raised concrete median islands that will separate the bicycle facility from adjacent parking and/or travel lanes. New traffic signal poles, mast arms and equipment are also being installed. The final phase of the construction will resurface Union Street and install bicycle and roadway signing and striping, Olmos said in the May 11 memorandum.

The project began construction in June 2022 and has been actively progressing over the past 11 months.

Installation of traffic signal substructure network, accessible ramp improvements and raised driveways have been completed.

The project scope along Union Street includes modifications to 14 signalized intersections, installation of new traffic signals at six intersections, construction of raised medians, curb extensions and accessible ramps, as well as pavement resurfacing and restriping. The improvements along Holliston Avenue include traffic signal improvements for safer interaction among all modes of transportation.

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