The City of Pasadena in partnership with Day One and The Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition (PasCSC) invite all of Pasadena to get out and WALK in October! This year events are once again in-person with guided walks and walking tours. This is the first year that the City of Pasadena is sponsoring Walktober while recognizing that the Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition, its volunteers and its partners have established this annual event in our community.
Walktober is an annual international promotion to encourage walking. Communities across the world from Portland, Oregon to Raleigh, North Carolina, to Adelaide, Australia, organize events celebrating and bringing awareness to walking.
Here in Pasadena, the City, Day One, and PasCSC have partnered with local organizations and community members to put together a month-long calendar of in-person walks, tours, and community events.
The slate of events reflects a wide range of reasons and ways to enjoy this activity. Be it for everyday exercise, mental health, to meet new people, learn about the city, or simply to get to work or school, we hope to inspire Pasadenans by trying to provide something for just about everyone.
Highlights include:
• Tour the Arroyo Seco Watershed with Councilmember Tyron Hampton – Saturday, October 7, 9-11:30 a.m.
• Guided Tour of Caltech’s Historic Campus – Saturday, October 14, 9-11:30 a.m.
• Pasadena African American History Walk with the NAACP Pasadena Branch – Saturday, October 21, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
• Walking Tour of the Grace Hill Neighborhood – Saturday and Sunday, October 21 and 22, 1:30 p.m.
• Art & Architecture Tour of Playhouse Village with Councilmember Jason Lyon – Sunday, October 22, 4:30-6 p.m.
• Eaton Canyon Hike with Councilmember Gene Masuda and Nature for All – Saturday, October 28, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
• Route 66 – East Colorado Boulevard Tour with Councilmember Gene Masuda – Saturday, October 28, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
• Walk Arroyofest – Closure of the Arroyo Seco Parkway – October 29, 7:30-11:00 a.m.
Event Details: Details on the walks, as well as a calendar, can be found at as well as on Instagram: @Day1do, @CityOfPasadena, @PasadenaCSC. Event times are subject to change.
Click here to view flyer in English
Click here to view flyer in Spanish
About the organizers:
City of Pasadena Department of Transportation
The Department of Transportation is committed to achieving the safe, efficient and convenient movement of people and goods within Pasadena, while concurrently ensuring a balance between land use and transportation to maintain a livable community in which cars are not necessary to travel within the city. Learn more at
Day One
Day One has 30 years of experience in working alongside residents, young people, elected officials, and other stakeholders to strengthen and build healthy, vibrant communities by advancing public health, advocating for public policies, meaningfully engaging youth, and igniting community-level and behavioral change. Learn more at
Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition
The Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition is an all-volunteer community advocacy group that shares a simple vision: A city where people can walk, bike, skate, and scoot, with cleaner air and safer, stress-free streets for everybody. Learn more about us at
Stay connected to the City of Pasadena! Visit us online at; follow us on Twitter at @PasadenaGov, and Instagram and Facebook at @CityOfPasadena; or call the Citizen Service Center Monday through Friday during business hours<> at (626) 744-7311.