An International Outlook
Diversity and cultural tolerance are cornerstones of Southwestern Academy’s mission. Young people from twenty countries are represented at Southwestern’s two campuses. Countries represented include Angola, China, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Kosovo, Russia, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, and Ukraine.
This range of diversity provides students with an unparalleled cultural perspective and awareness. Student’s broadened concept and global understanding increases, which serves as a springboard to student growth and success. Students gain a world-view and a deep appreciation of other cultures.
Over the recent winter break, Art students from Southwestern Academy were assigned to go to a museum and report “live” coverage of their experiences. TsubasaFuruichi(Kyoto, Japan), Natasha Masaya (Moscow, Russia), and Rain Liang (Macau) shared their insight while visiting museums located in their home countries.
Macau Museum of Art, by Rain Liang (10th grade):
Garage, by Natasha Mazaeva (11th grade):
Museum EKI Kyoto, by Tsubasa Furuichi (7th grade):
For further information, contact Yalina Munoz (626) 799-5010 ext. 273.