Bosco Tech’s ACE Technology: Learn the Foundations of Architecture
Don Bosco Technical Institute’s Architecture and Construction Engineering (ACE) technology program integrates architectural design with civil and structural engineering concepts. ACE students complete courses in architectural design theory and application, civil engineering theory and application, and energy conservation and sustainable (green construction).
The future in architecture and engineering conjures up soaring towers, extensive spans, robust structures, green efficient cities, and technologically enhanced homes; the ACE experience includes a comprehensive curriculum of various applied methods and processes that lead to an understanding and appreciation for the principles of architecture and engineering.
The department rigorously prepares students to enter top universities on their path to be industry leaders familiar with the best practices in architecture and engineering. Strong math and physical science requirements, along with practical business instruction, prepare students for several other degree pathways as well. These include mechanical, construction and environmental engineering, business and management, and law.
The program is divided into modules where students learn different subjects during different years. During freshman year, students learn to construct a ‘Freedom Tower’ using the engineering principles applied to the modern skyscraper, along with learning scale and reading building plans. In sophomore year, students learn about architectural theory, apply that in Revit software, and build a full-scale framing module. They then learn the fundamentals of civil and structural engineering with applied statics and material strengths.
During junior year, students further expand the architectural experience with more in-depth projects and model building. They design, build and test a scale truss and suspension bridge for a regional design competition. Senior year allows students to student and apply the concepts of ‘green technology’ as preparation to achieving an optional ‘student level’ LEED certification, while further expanding on previously developed architectural theory to be applied in a regional design competition.
Bosco Tech is located at 1151 San Gabriel Boulevard, Rosemead. Call (626) 940-2000 or visit