Holy Family School Golf Team had an Un-FORE-getable Day on the Green!
Holy Family School’s Golf team did a terrific job representing the school recently! HFS congratulates all that participated in the tournament last weekend at Arroyo Seco. HFS finished in 4th place overall as a Team from the individual scores of Donovan U., Luke D., Ella I. and Carys S. In the C Division, Lia. placed 2nd with a score of 38 and Cal V. placed 3rd with a score of 38. Holy Family’s youngest player Jack V., in 2nd grade, did very well for his first CYO tournament with and score of 39. Holy Family School applaud the kids who competed on their first tournament.
Holy Family School, 1301 Rollin St., South Pasadena, (626) 799-4354 or visit school.holyfamily.org.