Leadership Opportunities at St. Francis High School
St. Francis High School students perform better academically, socially, and emotionally when they are significantly engaged, sharing members of a positive, safe, and unprejudiced school environment. Students have enormous opportunities to mold the culture of their own school community through leadership opportunities.
Student Council: ASB Executive Positions: ASB Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer
ASB Commissioner Positions: Activities, Athletics, Entertainment, Publicity, Link & Mascot (Link & Mascot are appointed through application)

Requirements to apply for all offices in Student Council:
• You must maintain a 2.5 G.P.A. or better (cumulative and in each of the 2 semesters you serve)
• You must have a 2.5 G.P.A. or better on your most recent report card to run for office
• You cannot be on Academic or Disciplinary Probation
• You must be available for all Student Council homerooms, 7:30 AM Wednesday meetings, 7:55 AM Open Forum (first Wednesday of the month) and other meetings as they arise.
• All ASB officers and commissioners will attend the summer leadership camp at Vanguard University from July 29-August 1. Student Council Polo & T-shirt will also be purchased by student council members in the fall.
ASB President and ASB Vice President – must be a present Junior
ASB Treasurer – must be a present Junior
ASB Secretary – must be a present Sophomore or Junior
ASB Activities Commissioner – must be a present Sophomore or Junior
ASB Publicity Commissioner – must be a present Sophomore or Junior
ASB Entertainment Commissioner – must be a present Sophomore or Junior
ASB Athletics Commissioner – must be a present Sophomore or Junior
ASB Link Commissioner – Must be a current Junior and current Link Leader. and appointed by Link Advisors
Student Council Class Officer Positions for all 4 grade levels: Class President, Vice-President, 2-3 class officers
Athletic Leadership Council: Athletes from each sport are nominated by their coach in the Spring to be on the ALC for the following school year. Nominees will receive an application to fill out and will be considered for membership.
Link Leader (Student Activities): Applications are available in a Google Classroom.
Announcement of Link Leaders: Middle of April with emails to Students.
Club Leadership – All clubs, new and returning, need to register in the first weeks of school by a club president or representative and a teacher moderator.
Homeroom Representatives – Each homeroom has one representative that is elected by their respective homeroom by the end of September. There is an application process and monthly 7:55 AM Wednesday Open Forum meetings.
NHS (National Honor Society) – Requires a minimum of 3.6 GPA. Junior and Senior students who meet the requirement are invited to apply in September. Students cannot be on Academic or Disciplinary Probation and the Dean of Students must approve them. Interviews may be conducted with individual students if more information is needed. See either co-advisor, Ms. Baldonado or Mr. Pelletier in the Counseling Office for more information.
CSF (California Scholarship Federation)– Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are eligible to apply for CSF. There are two filing periods each school year. For the 1st Semester, it is during the second and third week of the new school year. For the 2nd Semester, it is during the two weeks following the distribution of 1st Semester report cards. CSF Registration occurs only during these two-week filing periods. Students must reapply for CSF membership every semester. Applications are available in the Counseling office. Membership is based on grades earned in the previous Semester. Students must earn a minimum of ten points from last Semester’s grades using no more than five classes to qualify, (3 points for an “A”, 1 point for a “B”, 0 points for a “C”). In order to be a CSF Seal bearer, a student must be a member at least four out of the six possible Semesters with one of those Semesters being in the student’s Senior year. Please see Mrs. Long in the Counseling Office for more information.
St. Francis High School, 200 Foothill Blvd., La Cañada, (818) 790-0325 or visit www.sfhs.net.