Maranatha High School’s Schoolwide Expected Student Outcomes
In order to equip all students at Maranatha with the knowledge, competencies, and orientations needed for success, and to maximize learning, Maranatha has developed the following schoolwide expected student outcomes.
Students who graduate from Maranatha will be:
Transformative Disciples
Biblically literate students, who are growing followers of Christ, living out and modeling their faith in community to affect the world for Christ.
Rigorous Scholars
Critical thinkers who have mastered an aptitude for study, are trained through a Christian worldview, and have a love of learning.
Skilled Communicators
Students who express themselves through the mindful use of technology, meaningful writing, masterful oration, and creative illustration.
Global Stewards
Students who are service driven, missions minded, environmentally responsible, culturally respectful, and globally aware.
Maranatha High School, 169 S. St. John Avenue, Pasadena, (626) 817-4000 or visit