New Horizon School Pasadena Welcomes Shaheen Nasser of CAIR-LA
New Horizon School Pasadena (NHSP) recently hosted Shaheen Nasser who gave a heartwarming khutba (sermon) to NHSP students and parents. Brother Shaheen is a Palestinian-American, who is a community organizer at CAIR-LA and has a long history of impactful Palestine advocacy. Afterwards, NHSP parents council did a Community Service Sadaqa Project. New Horizon School thanks all the students and parents who joined the project to make Fleece Blankets for the charity “Project Linus.” It was a wonderful day for the school community to come together in honor and support its brothers and sisters in Palestine. This is a fun family event.
New Horizon School Pasadena, 651 N. Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, (626) 795-5186 or visit