Parents – Help Marshall Start a Walking School Bus
Day One, PUSD and the City of Pasadena are working together to support a Safe Routes to School bike train or walking school bus at Marshall Fundamental School for the fall 2021 semester.
What is a Walking School Bus / Bike Train?
A walking school bus (WSB) is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they travel to and from school with adult supervision. Each “bus” walks along a set route with one or more adults leading it, picking children up at designated stops along a predetermined route and walking them to school. The process is reversed in the afternoons on the way home from school. A variation on the walking school bus is the bicycle train, in which adults supervise children riding their bikes to school. Bike trains will be limited to middle and high school students and will be led by certified bike safety instructors/ride leaders.
Parents often cite safety issues as one of the primary reasons they are reluctant to allow their children to walk to school. Providing adult supervision may help reduce those worries for families who live within walking or bicycling distance to school.
If you’d like your child to participate in the Marshall Walking School/Bike train, please complete the form at or call (626) 229-9750.
Marshall Fundamental School, 990 N. Allen Ave., Pasadena, (626) 396-5810 or visit