Pasadena High School Students Design “Games for Change”

Four Pasadena High School (PHS) App Academy students are now finalists in the national Games for Change (G4C) Student Challenge after creating a game called “Buddy System” in the Positive Play category. With the guidance of App Academy Lead Teacher Deborah Orret, the following students worked all semester to develop the award-winning game:
• Finneas Moser ’26 (Developer/Designer)
• Eden Bashan ’25 (Developer/Researcher)
• Alexander Soultanian ’25 (Designer)
• Warren Kwok ’25 (Project Manager)
As finalists, they are now in the running for up to a $10,000 scholarship award. Winners will be announced at a virtual ceremony on June 13.
Pasadena High School, 2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 396-5880 or visit