Westridge 7th Graders Build Index Card Towers Using the Engineering Design Process
Just before winter break, students in Middle School Math Teacher Jamie Linton’s 7th grade class accepted the challenge of using the 8-step engineering design process in 20 minutes to (hypothetically) save a cat in danger of being eaten by a fierce crocodile! Students had to build a tower that was 12 inches off the ground using only index cards and no more than 12 inches of tape to save the cat.
The index card challenge reinforced teamwork and allowed students to get familiar with the engineering design process—a taste of what they would be working on in the grade’s annual Water Unit. The unit that allows English, history, math, and science classes to join together focused on a theme. Linton said the students were put in groups to research three regions, choose one, and identify an urgent ecological/social/environmental water-related project the region faces. They then created a prototype or artwork that addressed the problem.
Director of Lower & Middle School Dr. Zanita Kelly said it was nice to see the interdisciplinary nature of the unit. She observed as students brainstormed and began to work in groups to meet the challenge.
“I was excited to see students collaborating and problem solving in math,” she said.
Westridge School, 324 Madeline Drive, Pasadena, (626) 799-1053 ext. 200 or visit www.westridge.org.