Westridge School’s Tiger and Cub Holiday Meetup
Madeline Court was recently packed with Westridge School’s Tiger and Cub buddy pairings, snacking on cookies, filling out snowman-themes Mad Libs, and catching up with each other. The Tiger and Cub program pair Upper School students (Tigers) with a Lower School student (Cubs) as a way to foster connections between Upper School and Lower School students. Buddies were paired based in a survey of their personal interests. The pairs meet five times throughout the year, and can leave each other notes on a dedicated message board. Through this initiative, Upper School students, known as Tigers, can choose to volunteer their time to mentor and bond with their Cubs in Lower School.
Westridge School, 324 Madeline Drive, Pasadena, (626) 799-1053 ext. 200 or visit www.westridge.org.