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Fuller Theology Search Committee Passes on Applicants, Suspends Search for New Dean

Published on Monday, March 14, 2016 | 7:13 am

Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena has announced it has suspended the search for a new dean of its School of Theology and has invited Joel B. Green to extend his service as Dean until June of 2018.

Dr. Green has accepted the invitation.

“It’s true that I was looking forward to returning to faculty life after my two-year appointment as School of Theology dean,” Green said. “But it’s also true that I find academic leadership deeply fulfilling and I genuinely enjoy working with my colleagues in the School of Theology and with the seminary leadership as we imagine and move into the future God has for us.”

Green’s two-year term is supposed to conclude in June this year. Fuller started a search for a dean in December 2015 and interviewed applicants up to January 2016. Early in February, the search committee made the recommendation to Fuller President Mark Labberton not to appoint any of the candidates and instead to resume the search after some time.

As dean, Green will continue his service on the President’s Council, the President’s Advisory Council, and the Provost’s Council at Fuller Seminary.

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