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Pasadena Community Foundation Releases Short Film about the PCF Scholars Grant Initiative

Published on Thursday, December 5, 2019 | 11:48 am

In 2019, the Pasadena Community Foundation launched PCF Scholars, a new grant program to provide financial assistance and social-emotional support to 32 local students over the next four years. The PCF Scholars program is a partnership among Pasadena Community Foundation, College Access Plan, and PCC Pathways to create a consistent through-line of support that helps Pasadena Unified School District students complete their studies at PCC.

To share more about this innovative program and its inspiring students, PCF worked with local filmmaker Julian Campos to create this short film about the PCF Scholars program and its first cohort of students.

PCF provides need-based, multi-year financial assistance to each student, while College Access Plan and Pathways offer counseling, guidance, and assistance. By reducing the number of hours students need to work at outside jobs, offsetting unexpected expenses, and covering the costs of books, computers, and fees, PCF hopes to give Scholars the time and capacity to focus on their school work. Social-emotional support will ease the transition to college for the students, many of whom are the first in their families to attend college.

Click here to learn more about the PCF Scholars program.

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