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Pasadena Has Two New Paint Recycling Collection Sites

Published on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 | 11:40 am

Two new PaintCare drop-off locations have been established in Pasadena . The California PaintCare program, which started in October 2012, provides locations for people to take unwanted, leftover paint to be recycled.

Here are the collection sites for Pasadena :

New: Orchard Supply Hardware 3425 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena
New: Orchard Supply Hardware 452 Fair Oaks Ave S Pasadena
Dunn-Edwards 3897 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena,  (626) 577-0880
Sherwin-Williams 3262 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena, (626) 683-1179
Vista Paint 3341 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena, (626) 792-4677

California was the second state in the country to implement this program and has almost 500 collection sites across the state.

For more information about the California Paint Stewardship Program visit

About PaintCare Inc.

PaintCare is a non-profit organization established by the American Coatings Association to implement Paint Stewardship Programs on behalf of the paint manufacturers in states that pass paint stewardship laws. To learn more about the importance of recycling and using up leftover paint, or to find a near drop-off site, visit

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