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Pasadena Updates Fireworks Ordinance, Reinforces That All Fireworks are Illegal in Pasadena

Published on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 | 1:40 am

The City of Pasadena recently amended the municipal code holding property owners and tenants responsible for permitting the possession, sale, usage or discharge of fireworks on their property.  The ordinance change allows for the prosecution of fireworks-related offenses and for the demand of payment for all costs associated with the safe disposal of confiscated fireworks. The City maintains a zero tolerance enforcement policy for fireworks and Pasadena’s police and firefighters are teaming up for special fireworks enforcement patrols before and during the Fourth of July holiday.  Violators are subject to arrest; having their vehicles impounded; and serving up to one year in jail and fines up to $50,000.

Statistics show that fireworks are among the most dangerous of all consumer products.  Even hand-held sparklers, which many consider safe, are dangerous and can reach 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, causing serious burns or fires.  National Fire Protection Association statistics reveal that 90 percent of all fireworks-related injuries are caused by so-called “safe and sane” fireworks which are illegal in Pasadena.

Help keep all of us, our children, our homes and our property safe from illegal fireworks.  If You See Something, Say Something!  Call Pasadena Police at (626) 744-4241 to report illegal fireworks and other suspicious activities.  Residents may also use the City’s smart phone app, available at to report illegal fireworks.

The City of Pasadena invites you to celebrate the Fourth of July responsibly and join us for the 92nd annual “Americafest,” one of the best family-friendly celebrations and professional fireworks shows in Southern California at the Rose Bowl Stadium.  For ticket and event information, please visit

Due to the potential for fire hazards and injuries, Pasadena police and fire personnel will staff checkpoints around the stadium to search for and seize any fireworks.  Parking enforcement officers will ensure that vehicles illegally parked in Pasadena’s hillside areas on July 4th are impounded.

The Pasadena Fire Department will be applying Phos-Chek on Monday, July 2nd to brush areas around the Arroyo area.  The main ingredients of this fire retardant are phosphates and fertilizers to help prevent plants from burning and to re-vegetate burned wildland areas.

Pasadena’s Fire Chief Bertral Washington, Interim Police Chief John Perez and Public Health Officer Dr. Ying-Ying Goh urge everyone to make safety their top priority and offer the following reminders:

  • Celebrate responsibly and always designate a driver.
  • Stay hydrated, drink water or other nutritious fluids before becoming thirsty; limit alcohol & sugary drinks.
  • If outdoors, remember to use sunscreen, wear a brimmed hat and seek shade, if needed.
  • Fight the Bite, use bug spray/repellant to protect against mosquitoes.
  • Many areas of the City, including outdoor areas, are designated as “No Smoking” zones. Smoking anything in “No Smoking” areas is strictly prohibited. Always make sure that whatever you smoke in an official smoking area is fully extinguished before disposing in an appropriate trash container.
  • Always have someone tending the barbecue and watching the swimming pool when in use.
  • Call 9-1-1 for all life-threatening emergencies.
  • Call (626) 744-4241 for all other public safety needs.
  • When calling for help, speak calmly, give accurate location information.

Stay connected to the City of Pasadena!  Visit us online at; follow us on Twitter @PasadenaGov,, on Facebook; or the Citizens Service Center at  7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

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