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Pasadena’s Evanston Court Historical Preservation Project Wins National Award

Published on Thursday, July 18, 2019 | 5:01 am

Real estate news publisher GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum has selected the Evanston Court project in Pasadena as among the recipients of their Adapt Opportunity Zones Awards 2019, to be given at the Adapt: Opportunity Zones conference on September 16 and 17 in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Evanston Court project is centered around the historic Evanston Inn at 385 South Marengo Avenue in Pasadena, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

The project consists of a 24-unit, multi-family residential development that includes adaptive reuse of the Inn, whose structure would be rehabilitated into 10 condominium units. Three new two-and three-story residential buildings, comprising the remaining 14 units, were constructed over a semi-subterranean parking garage on the site, according to plans submitted to Pasadena’s Department of Planning and Community Development.

The project was chosen as winner in the Best in Historical Preservation category of the Adapt Opportunity Zones Awards for this year.

“Historical properties bestow on a project a sense of charm and place but it can be complex to maintain the historical elements of the buildings. This award is open to historical preservations that successfully blended the old-style elements of a property with modern building practices,” an explanation of the category on the GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum website says.

With the awards, GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum is putting a spotlight on the achievements of those who have had a hand in locating adaptive reuse solutions across the country—along with a few key opportunity zone projects.

A GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum statement said the publisher collected nominations and chose key projects and companies across a number of fields – from innovative reuses of abandoned space, to historical preservations, to overall design.

The chosen projects and organizations were determined to have made “key impacts on the community; the innovation; the ROI; the proven ability to achieve goals; and ingenuity in terms of creative thinking and problem solving,” the statement said.

In California, three other projects were selected for the awards: 3420 Bristol in Costa Mesa and The Trust Building in Los Angeles for Best Overall Transformation, and 712 S. Olive and 410 W. 7th in Los Angeles for Best Overall Design, the statement said.

For more information about the awards, visit

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