District and police officials are telling the public to be more alert and attentive on Monday as thousands of local children will be biking, crossing the streets, and filling sidewalks on their way to school.
The Pasadena Police Department will ramp up “extra service” from both motorcycle officers and patrol cars for student drop-off in the morning, according to Pasadena Police Lt. Monica Cuellar. Motorcycle officers will also give extra service for after-school pick-up time.
“Please drive like it is your child, grandchild, niece or nephew walking or riding their bike to school,” police Traffic Section Lieutenant Anthony Russo said. “Pick-up and drop-off times can be hectic, but it’s important to be patient and stay safe as children are getting to and from school. It is better to be slow than sorry.”
Russo said that If you are behind a school bus with a stop sign and flashing red lights, you need to stop so students can safely get on and off the bus. You must remain stopped while the red lights are on. Drivers in both directions must stop on any two-lane road without a median or a center turn lane.
The Pasadena Police Department offers the following tips to stay safe around schools:
- Slow down and follow the speed limit.
- Adhere to school policies and procedures for dropping off and picking up students. • Stop for school buses. Watch for children rushing to catch the bus or exiting.
- Whenever possible, avoid blocking the crosswalk while waiting to make a right-hand turn.
- For parents with children walking or biking to school, teach them safe walking and riding behaviors, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, using sidewalks when available, and crossing at marked crosswalks with stop signs or signals.
Authorities have advised drivers or parents of school children to always give themselves ample time to reach their destination.
Speed is often the leading factor for collisions as a result of not planning ahead, police have said.
Driver safety and speed limits in designated school zones will be enforced this week in particular, police said.
Parents should make sure their children stay in the marked crosswalks and look both ways before crossing the streets.
Motorists should also pay close attention to school buses. Local police have said that when the red lights flash, drivers following buses must stop and yield to the bus.
Drivers are also encouraged to stay off their mobile devices and not be distracted while driving.
The district has issued a message reminding students, families, and neighbors to safely share the roads with school buses, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
You can share your thoughts about school zones by participating in the Go Safely Movement, a call-to-action traffic safety survey from the California Office of Traffic Safety. Take the survey at gosafelyca.org.