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Armenian-American Rose Parade Float Group Elects New Board, Considering Wonderful New Ideas

Published on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 | 7:14 am

The Pasadena-based American Armenian Rose Float Association (AARFA) has elected its 2016 Board of Directors and has embarked on a mission to contribute the best Armenian-American presentation at next year’s Rose Parade, a report in the Armenian weekly Massis Post said.

New board president Noubar Derbedrosian said they have started looking at some wonderful ideas for the newest Armenian Rose float and are working with hundreds of volunteers and supporters to create “the most beautiful Armenian float yet.”

Derbedrosian is a prominent Southern California entrepreneur whose volunteer work encompasses several community organizations, including the Armenian Youth Association of California. Currently he also serves on the Board of the Armenian Sisters Academy.

The other officers of the new board are Hagop Parseghian, Vice President; Stepan Partamian, Treasurer; Johnny Kanounji, Secretary; Areg Jerahian, Mgo Panossian, Reneh Simonian and Arthur Kokozian, and newly elected members Mary Der-Parseghian, Esq., Mikayel Israyelyan, Oganes Jay (Hovik) Chimayan, Carmen Libaridian and Eddie Zaratsian.

Outgoing president Stepan Partamian says he is confident the new board will be able to rally support for the construction of the thirtd Armenian Rose float and its participation in the next Tournament of Roses.

AARFA raises funds annually for the design and construction of the Armenian Rose float and its participation in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. The group needs to raise $300,000 in donations and corporate sponsorships to cover the cost of the project. Through the association’s Armenian Rose Float Ambassador Program, volunteers can become city-specific ambassadors to help raise funds from their own communities.

Since its establishment last year, the program has produced seven ambassadors in California – Garbis Der-Yeghiayan representing La Verna, Carmen Libaridian for Hollywood Hills, Flora Dunaians for Pasadenasouth of the 210 Freeway, Margaret Mgrubian for Pasadenanorth of the 210, Tony Melconian for La Crescenta, Hratch Kozibeyokian for Shadow Hills, and Greg Tufenkian for Glendale.

AARFA is currently seeking to enlist additional ambassadors to represent cities across the US. Those who are interested can email the association at

The group is also appealing for broad grassroots support for the float initiative. Tax-deductible donations can be made securely through the AARFA site,, or by mailing a check to: AARFA, P. O. Box 60005, Pasadena, CA 91116.

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