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Pasadena Eats, The Dining Blog

Just Opened: Excitement Brews at Philz Coffee

Published on Thursday, June 2, 2016 | 10:10 pm

Philz Coffee opened on South Lake Avenue on Thursday, June 2,  to a crowd of eager coffee drinkers.

This local chain, started by a man named Phil, will bring your java experience to the next level. Phil Jaber, the original Phil, created a coffee blend that was flavorful, complex, rich, smooth, and low in acidity 25 years ago. But he didn’t stop there, the cafe offers 30 blends and personalizes each cup of coffee.

“Coffee brings people together,” said Jaber, who was in attendance to greet guests. Although hard pressed to pick a favorite, the Mint Mojito was a refreshing, popular choice and the Mocha Tesora specialty coffee was a close second.

Philz Pasadena is located at 146 South Lake Avenue, Suite 106. Visit for more details.

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