Walden School on Friday became the latest Pasadena private institution to receive a waiver from the city Public Health Department to reopen PreK-2nd grade classes.
Last month, city Health Director Dr. Ying-Ying Goh said that more than 40 schools were eligible for waivers.
“Your waiver application has been approved by both the Pasadena Public Health Department and the California Department of Public Health,” wrote Goh. “This waiver allows in-person instruction for grades PreK-2nd at your institution, as applicable, in compliance with your application and reopening plan as submitted.”
Other schools to receive approved waivers from the city Health Department include High Point Academy, Sequoyah School, Chandler School, St. Philip the Apostle School, and Polytechnic School.
More schools expect to receive approved waivers over time. More information on the requirements and standards for reopening can be found at https://www.cityofpasadena.net/public-health/return-to-school-waiver/#approved-school-waivers.
In Pasadena, school waiver application components have been posted online for two months to allow schools to prepare for reopening. Local health officials have been visiting area schools to provide hands-on consulting.
All the schools have been warned that they could be forced to close again in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.
“We expect to maintain an ongoing conversation with schools that have reopened under the waiver process so that we may continue to provide technical assistance and support. As community conditions change and science evolves, we may require you to revise your application and/or reopening plan and update your posted documents,” Goh wrote.