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Pacific Asia Museum to Renovate Chinese Gallery

Published on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 | 1:29 pm

Starting July 10, 2013, Pacific Asia Museum will begin renovations of the Ralph and Angelyn Riffenburgh Gallery as part of its continued renovation and reinterpretation of the permanent collection galleries. Currently housing Chinese ceramics, this gallery will re-open in September of 2013 and feature upgraded displays for a wider variety of Chinese art.

In 2010, Pacific Asia Museum launched a long-range plan to renovate and reinterpret its permanent collection galleries with a thematic approach to significantly enhance the visitor experience. The museum successfully opened the Introductory Gallery featuring The Art of Pacific Asia in 2011 and a new Gallery of Korean Art in 2012. Through 2015, the museum will continue renovating several other galleries to reflect up-to-date scholarship and better present its permanent collection to visitors while protecting it for future generations through upgrades to climate controls, lighting and display cases.

The Ralph and Angelyn Riffenburgh Gallery has featured the Pacific Asia Museum’s significant collection of Chinese ceramics since 1999. This renovation will bring it in line with the new thematic approach in our permanent galleries, and will display a broader range of the arts of China including paintings, textiles and sculptural works, which will benefit from the state of the art improvements in climate control in the gallery.

“As China grows in importance on the international stage, it’s vital that Pacific Asia Museum works to increase cultural literacy in our community,” said Curator Bridget Bray. “This updated gallery will reflect the rich artistic heritage of China and allow our visitors to gain a deeper understanding of that culture. In Los Angeles, our significant population of Chinese and Chinese Americans makes this even more essential.”

The museum is pleased to have the support of donors including the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, Margaret Leong Checca and Michael Checca, the David Kamansky Fund, Ms. Violet Ouyang, Dr. Albert Chang and Mrs. Yvonne H. Chang, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Li, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Tang for the project, as well as the Collectors’ Circle which will make the presentation of contemporary Chinese art possible in the gallery. The inclusion of contemporary art will help execute the museum’s mission of advancing intercultural understanding in an increasingly relevant way in this global era.

About Pacific Asia Museum

Pacific Asia Museum is among the few institutions in the United States dedicated exclusively to the arts and culture of Asia and the Pacific Islands. The museum’s mission is to further intercultural understanding through the arts of Asia and the Pacific Islands. Since 1971, Pacific Asia Museum has served a broad audience of students, families, adults, and scholars through its exhibitions and programs.

Pacific Asia Museum is located at 46 North Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena. The museum is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is $10 general, $7 students/seniors, and free for museum members and children under 12. Admission is free every 4th Friday of the month. For more information visit or call (626) 449-2742.

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