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All Saints Church Rector Reveals Threats Against Church

The church has implemented a number of additional security measures. Those feeling uncertain about attending are urged to participate in the Church’s online worship services.

Published on Sunday, May 7, 2023 | 6:31 am

The Rector of All Saints Church in Pasadena told his congregation via a YouTube video earlier this week that two threats had been made against the church to occur during May 7 services. 

Reverend Mike Kinman said one threat claimed a bomb had been placed at the church’s front entrance, set to detonate during Sunday worship. The other threat involved an individual vowing to attend the service and “kill the pastor of the All Saints LGBTQ Ministry Church.”

Kinman affirmed the LGBTQ+ community’s importance within All Saints Church and expressed the church’s commitment to safety. He also noted that the threats are part of a current rise in violence against LGBTQ+ individuals and not unique to All Saints Church.

In response to the threats, Kinman said All Saints Church has been working with the Pasadena Police Department, City Councilmembers, and a former FBI agent from the hate crimes division. Church leaders also sought guidance from Jewish leaders experienced in handling similar threats, including those from the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, which experienced a mass shooting in 2018.

To maintain safety, the church has implemented a number of additional security measures.

While some of the church’s ministries have shifted online, others continue on the All Saints campus with increased security. 

Kinman encouraged those uncertain about attending services Sunday to participate in the Church’s online worship experience.

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