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Barricaded Pasadena Man Forces Neighborhood Lockdown, Street Closures For 3 Hours

Published on Saturday, June 11, 2022 | 6:47 am

A man believed to be armed with a Glock semi-automatic firearm who allegedly pointed the weapon at a victim without provocation barricaded himself in a home in the 1200 block of East Orange Grove Boulevard Friday for about three hours before surrendering peacefully, police said.

When Pasadena Detectives later searched the residence, they located the weapon — a BB gun styled to look like an authentic Glock.

Authorities said the incident unfolded after the suspect reportedly pointed the weapon at a man sitting in a parked car at about 12:15 p.m. The victim summoned officers.

The suspect fled into a house where he refused to come out. Police surrounded the residence and shut down traffic on Orange Grove Boulevard from Holliston to Mar Vista Avenue, and North Michigan Avenue to Mountain Street above Orange Grove.

Authorities’ negotiation attempts may have prompted the suspect’s peaceful surrender at about 3 p.m.

There were no injuries, police said.

The suspect is identified by police as 40-year-old Pasadena resident Ildefonso Carrillo. He was booked for assault with a deadly weapon, police said.

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