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Bicyclist Hospitalized After Violent Random Attack

Published on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 | 6:41 am

[OpenStreetMap®. Data available under the Open Database License]
Pasadena Police Lieutenant Sean Dawkins reported a violent assault that took place on Monday evening at 5:07 p.m. at the intersection of E. Maple Street and N. Holliston Ave. in Pasadena. The victim, a male in his forties and a resident of Pasadena, sustained a three-inch laceration on the head, cuts to the mouth, and a bloody nose.

According to the police report, officers arrived at the scene after receiving reports of a fight in progress between two people. The victim was riding his bicycle in the area when he stopped to check his phone. At this point, the suspect approached him and engaged in a verbal altercation. A witness reported that the suspect then struck the victim in the face with his fist.

The victim tried to defend himself and walk away, but the suspect continued the assault by striking him in the chin, causing him to fall to the ground. The suspect then continued to kick the victim in the face and shoulder, before grabbing his backpack and using it as a weapon, according to Dawkins.

The suspect was last seen walking north on Holliston, and the victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment. No weapons were involved, and nothing was reported to have been taken. The police described the suspect as a male Hispanic in his thirties.

Dawkins said there are no suspects in custody, and investigators are describing the incident as a random attack.

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