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Boaz Rauchwerger Speaks at Vistage International Meeting Hosted By James Harwood

At The University Club in Pasadena

Published on Monday, April 28, 2014 | 3:04 pm
Boaz rauchwerger (l) and James Harwood (r) at University Club. Photography by John Lavitt
Boaz Rauchwerger and Don Pierro at University Club. Photo by John Lavitt

The University Club of Pasadena continues to demonstrate its value to the greater community when it accommodated a Vistage International Meeting on April 17. A peer-to-peer membership organization for CEOs and business owners, Vistage International is the most successful venture of its kind with more than 17,000 CEO members in 15 countries. Hosted by James Harwood of Total HR Management and facilitated by Don Pierro of Empower Labs, the meeting featured a powerful talk by renowned speaker Boaz Rauchwerger.

A former Vistage Speaker of the Year, Boaz Rauchwerger crisscrosses the country to speak to a variety of groups about how achieving true success comes from within. Rauchwerger believes that attitude is everything because, “I don’t get what I hope for or wish for: I get what I expect.” By expecting and believing in the best, by highlighting opportunity, a business owner can create the groundwork for true success in a company.

In front of the gathered group of Southern California CEOs and company owners, many from Pasadena, Boaz Rauchwerger kept pointing to a single word written in bold letters on poster board with an impressive exclamation point – “Unbelievable!” He explained how whenever you are asked how you are doing or how your business is doing, this should always be your response. Even if thing are not so great, it still covers the proverbial bases while giving a very positive impression to the other person.

Since a business runs at the speed of its leader, business owners always need to do what has to be done whether they like it or not. Such challenges only can be effectively overcome through a positive attitude and true belief in a company’s ultimate success. Boaz Rauchwerger also pointed out the importance of asking questions as opposed to doing all the talking. By asking questions, you take control of a conversation and you learn the informational cues you need to succeed.

Truly appreciative of his insight and energy, the Vistage International members left the University Club with big smiles and a renewed sense of purpose. Once again, as a true asset in the ongoing success of Pasadena, the University Club hosted an event worth remembering. Since taking over a President of the Board of Directors, James Harwood has delivered on the University Club’s original compact of being a social hub for the Pasadena community.

About the Author

Growing up in New York City as a stutterer, John Lavitt embraced writing as a way to express himself when the words would not come. After graduating from Brown University, he lived on the Greek island of Patmos, studying with his mentor the late American poet Robert Lax. As a writer, John Lavitt’s published work includes several articles in Chicken Soup For The Soul volumes and poems in multiple poetry journals and compilations. Today, John Lavitt works at Open Interactive as the Director of Content Development. As a journalist, he is a Regular Contributor to The Fix where he writes investigative reports about the latest issues in the world of addiction and recovery.



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