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Brandon Lamar to Kick Off Campaign for Pasadena City Council District 3

Published on Thursday, July 6, 2023 | 6:27 pm

Pasadena City Council District 3 candidate Brandon Lamar announced he will kick off his campaign for the 2024 elections on Saturday, July 29.

Lamar issued an invitation for the public to join him for a lively kickoff celebration with an “amazing” list of distinguished guest speakers and performances. The event will take place on Saturday, July 29 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 595 Lincoln Ave, Pasadena 91103. Food and beverages will be served.

Special guest speakers include Jess Rivas, Councilmember for the City of Pasadena; Dr. William Syms, a Pasadena native; Dominick Correy, Field Deputy for Senator Anthony Portantino; Jelani Hendrix of Black Los Angeles Young Democrats; Raúl Ibáñez, former Chair of the Community Police Oversight Commission; Jor’Denay Brown, who will perform a poem; and Crown City Drumline, who will perform a drumline performance.

Lamar previously ran against the late Councilmember John J. Kennedy in 2022 but lost. After Kennedy’s passing, Lamar faced off against Justin Jones to fill Kennedy’s empty seat for the remainder of Kennedy’s term. Pasadena City Council voted to select Jones.

When it came time fill Kennedy’s seat for the new term in December, Lamar withdrew his application during a special City Council meeting to choose the successor.

“I am withdrawing my name from this application process and I will see you in 2024,” Lamar said. The Council again selected Jones.

Lamar was raised in Northwest Pasadena and has been involved in community programs since a young age. He has served as Chair of the Youth and College Division and the 3rd Vice President of the Pasadena NAACP, as well as Chair of the Human Relations Commission. Lamar has also worked in the nonprofit and advocacy sectors, serving as Director of Programs for the LAPD Hollywood Police Activities League and currently serving as California Director for a National Non-Profit addressing racial disparities in juvenile and child welfare systems.

In 2019, Lamar joined the Executive Board of Pasadenans Organizing for Progress (POP!), a grassroots organization advocating for progressive policies in Pasadena. As Chair of POP!, Lamar has built coalitions between community groups, organizations, and politicians to push for policies that benefit everyone, especially communities of color.

Please RSVP by Thursday, July 27 by emailing

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