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California State Controller John Chiang to Deliver Pasadena City College 88th Commencement Address

Published on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 | 8:45 am

California’s chief fiscal officer, Controller John Chiang, will deliver the keynote address to the 88th graduating class of Pasadena City College on Friday, May 3, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in Robinson Stadium. The PCC Class of 2013 is expected to number more than 1,500.

As the state’s chief fiscal officer, Chiang has brought extensive experience and fiscal leadership to the State Controller’s Office. He was first elected to the Board of Equalization in 1998, where he served two terms, including three years as chair. He began his career as a tax law specialist with the Internal Revenue Service and previously served as an attorney in the State Controller’s Office.

First elected in November 2006, Chiang was reelected in November 2010. Upon taking office, he took immediate action to weed out waste, fraud and abuse of public funds and make the State’s finances more transparent and accountable to the public. He has proposed reforms to the state’s public pension systems, helped local governments navigate complex requirements during difficult economic times, protected California’s precious natural resources and ensured that more than $2.1 billion in unclaimed property was returned to the rightful owners. He also “California Strong,” a program that offers financial and tax assistance seminars for families, seniors, small businesses and non-profit organizations.

The son of immigrant parents, Chiang graduated with honors from the University of South Florida with a degree in finance. He received his law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center.

For more information about PCC’s 88th commencement exercises, please go to

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