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Caltech Math Lecturer to Speak on Existence of “Infinity of Infinities”

Published on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | 8:45 am

Dr. Jay Williams of Caltech will be visiting Pasadena City College to speak on the cardinality of infinite sets, which has been a great source of mathematical debate over the past several centuries. Williams’ lecture, which is hosted by the PCC Math and Computer Science Division, will take place on Thursday, March 28 in R122, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Williams’ visit is funded by a National Science Foundation grant awarded to Caltech and UCLA professors to provide lectures at the undergraduate level. Williams is currently a postdoctoral scholar and math lecturer at Caltech.

“Modern mathematics owes much to the consequence of Georg Cantor’s theory, which is what Williams’ conversation will be about,” said Lyman Chaffee, PCC mathematics instructor. “We are grateful to be one of the beneficiaries of this grant and we hope we can host more such talks in the future.”

There will be a Q&A session with Williams after his lecture. The event is open to PCC faculty and students.

For more information, contact Chaffee at (626) 585-3259.

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