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City Advisory Group to Discuss Historical Impacts of Freeway Construction on Segregation in Pasadena

Published on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 | 6:13 am

A meeting by the Reconnecting Communities 710 Advisory Group on Wednesday, Jan. 17, will feature presentations from two historical consultants – Allegra Consulting, Inc. and UCLA – that will delve into the impact of freeways on segregation in Pasadena. 

In addition, the Department of Planning and Community Development will provide updates on the “Historic Places Pasadena: Completing Our Story” Project. 

The Reconnecting Communities 710 Advisory Group is a task force established last year to serve as an official advisory board for the Pasadena City Council to decide the future of what remains of the once-proposed 710 Freeway extension, an undeveloped acreage the size of 40 football fields in West Pasadena.

Last October, upon recommendation by the Advisory Group, the Pasadena City Council approved a $200,000 contract with Allegra Consulting Inc., to prepare an oral history on the impacts of the 710 freeway stub. 

At the same time, the City Council also approved a contract with the Regents of the University of California for UCLA to provide a study about the Historical Impacts of Freeways on Segregation in Pasadena. 

Both of these organizations will be introduced at Wednesday’s meeting and are expected to present what they plan to do in the next few months in pursuit of their respective projects. 

Following that, the Planning & Community Development Department will provide an update on the “Historical Places Pasadena: Completing Our Story” project, which aims towards producing a more comprehensive narrative of the city’s history beyond architecture. 

Historical Places Pasadena involves creating a narrative that encompasses  significant stories, events, people, and places associated with Pasadena’s diverse communities. 

Launched in November last year, the project unfolds in two phases: crafting the narrative history, and conducting a field survey to identify existing properties representing historical significance. The final goal is to compile a database accessible to the public, promoting awareness of Pasadena’s development and ensuring a thorough inventory of historic properties for future planning. 

Since November, the Planning and Community Development Department has been doing community outreach, including public meetings, events, and even published a crowdsourced story map to which residents can actively contribute their insights, stories, and suggestions about historically significant places, events, and individuals in the city. 

The submission portal for Historical Places is at, and information can also be submitted during upcoming community meetings and events. 

The project not only honors the rich history of Pasadena but also seeks to avoid delays in the current Historic Resource Evaluation process, the Planning Department said. 

Wednesday’s meeting will also include updates from the consultant team’s Master Plan on the Reconnecting Communities project as well as staff comments.

The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at the City Council Chamber at City Hall.

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