The City of Pasadena has released the guidelines for the 2024 cycle of the Historic Property Contract Program, which operates under California’s Mills Act regulations.
Planning and Community Development Director Jennifer Paige said the program was initiated in October 2002 by the Pasadena City Council and offers financial incentives to encourage the designation, rehabilitation, and protection of historic buildings. The program not only provides property owners with the potential for reduced property taxes but also ensures the preservation of significant historic resources within the city.
Following an annual cycle, the program begins with applications accepted early in the calendar year and contracts being approved and recorded with the County Recorder by the end of the year.
The Planning Department can approve up to 20 new single-family residential applications and six non-single-family-residential applications annually, covering multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial properties. At present, the program boasts 402 enrolled properties, the department said.
Released on Feb. 5, the guidelines and application for the 2024 Historic Property Contract program are now accessible on the City’s website at www.cityofpasadena.net/
At the same time, owners of eligible but undesignated properties may apply for historical designation. If the City Council designates the property by year-end, a Mills Act contract may be approved.
For more information about the program, contact Stephanie Cisneros, Senior Planner and program manager, at (626) 744-7219 or via email at scisneros@cityofpasadena.net.