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Congresswoman Chu Headlines Care Force One’s Visit to Pasadena on Tuesday

Published on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 | 5:53 am

Protect Our Care’s tour bus dubbed “Care Force One” will stop at Pasadena on Tuesday afternoon.

The “Lower Costs, Better Care” bus tour has entered the 16th day of its 8,000-mile journey across the country to spread awareness about the Inflation Reduction Act and promote better healthcare.

The bus is scheduled to stop at Brookside Park at 360 N. Arroyo Blvd. at 3 p.m.

Rep. Judy Chu will welcome health advocates on board. She will be joined by Ingrid Rivera-Guzman, President of Latino Coalition of Los Angeles and cancer survivor Laura Packard.

During the event, speakers will discuss how the Inflation Reduction Act and other healthcare measures will improve care and lower costs.

Chu is among the legislators who helped write and pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which extends tax credits that lower health care premiums and forces Big Pharma to negotiate lower prices for lifesaving prescription drugs with Medicare.

The “Lower Costs, Better Care” tour will stop at over 30 destinations in more than 16 states.

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