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Congresswoman Chu to Present Nearly $1 Million in Federal Funding for City of Pasadena Sunset Groundwater Water Treatment Facility

Published on Friday, June 7, 2024 | 4:42 am

Judy Chu (D-Pasadena) will present Mayor Victor Gordo with a ceremonial check during a presentation hosted by Pasadena Water and Power from 1 to 2 p.m. on Monday, June 10.

The $1 million check symbolizes funding for a new groundwater treatment facility at the Sunset Reservoirs.

The future facility is part of the Sunset Complex Project, which will further enhance Pasadena’s water infrastructure and continue to provide a safe, reliable water supply.

The Sunset Reservoir is one of 14 reservoirs that serve a critical role in the city’s drinking water system. In 2022 Pasadena Now reported that approximately 25% of the City’s water demand is served by the Sunset Reservoirs.

The reservoirs have been in service for more than 125 years and need to be replaced. The proposed “Sunset Complex Project” improves system reliability to ensure that all of Pasadena Water and Power’s water customers have access to safe drinking water. This project will also improve the aesthetics of the Sunset Complex site.

The Sunset Complex Project will replace the existing reservoirs with two circular concrete storage reservoirs that will be designed to current seismic standards.

A new groundwater treatment plant will consist of ion exchange to remove perchlorate; liquid phase granular activated carbon to remove volatile organic compounds; and a disinfection system.

“This treatment system will allow Pasadena Water and Power to utilize more of the city’s groundwater supply,” according to the city’s website.

The project will also include emergency power generators to keep the complex in operation in the event of a power outage.

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