A larger sidewalk area at the four corners of the intersection and a ‘scramble crosswalk,’ allowing pedestrians to cross the intersection diagonally can now be seen at the site, which usually experience a high volume of both pedestrian and motorist traffic.
“The project was completed on time and within budget,” said Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works and Laura Rubio-Cornejo, Director of Transportation, in a memorandum.
The two officials thanked the businesses impacted by the construction for their patience and cooperation when the project was being constructed.
“Both the Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Works would like to thank the businesses at this intersection and the Old Pasadena Management District for their support and patience through the planning, design and construction of this project,” the memorandum read.
The officials said final modifications to the traffic signal at the intersection, including the installation of a green left turn arrow for eastbound and westbound traffic, will be implemented this summer.