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Contract for Charter Reform Consultant Increased

Published on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 | 5:40 am

The consultant working with the Charter Reform Study Group received a raise on Monday.

The City Council voted to increase the contract with Baker Tilly.

The increase upped the contract from $95,000 to $140,000.

The group is currently considering recommendations on several governance issues that will be forwarded to the City Council.

The Council will then vote to place those items on the November ballot.

The Charter serves as the City’s constitution and can only be changed by the voters.

So far, the consultant has researched and presented information on the City Council vacancy appointment and special elections process; the roles, term, and responsibilities for the position of Vice Mayor; Mayor and City Council term limits, including where such limits exist and impacts/benefits to cities, and the timing of elections and vacancy process for the Mayor.

The Task Force must still complete their discussion and finalize a recommendation related to the election timing Mayor’s position and has yet to discuss in depth the issues of Council Compensation and Campaign Finance and Contribution Limits.

Baker Tilly is required to provide staff support to the task force, including research as needed and directed by the task force, compile data and gather information from various sources, including information from Charter cities and other municipalities, the League of California Cities, etc., analyze data and information gathered, and present written and oral information to the Task Force to facilitate and support their deliberations of each Charter Study topic.

“The City Council approved the contract with the consultant on October 16, 2023, the City Council authorized a purchase order with Baker Tilly US, LLP, for professional consultant services to support the Charter Study Task Force in its review of City Governance issues in an amount not-to-exceed $95,000. The Charter Study Task Force and Baker Tilly have been working on the City Council’s assigned scope and charge since late November/early December 2023,” according to the agenda.

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