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Council Certifies Voter Approval of Measure L to Continue Library Programs and Services

Published on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 | 6:34 am

On December 12, Pasadena’s City Council officially accepted the November 8th General Municipal Election returns, in which residents voted to approve Measure L, the Pasadena Public Library Services Continuation Measure.

Passage of the measure will continue to fund 20%, or $2.8 million, of the Library budget. This funding is used to keep libraries open and well-maintained, purchase up-to-date books and materials, support library programs and services, and retain qualified librarians. It has enabled the Pasadena Public Library to bring many technological improvements to the Library, including an advanced search engine; a computerized magazine and newspaper index; a new online library catalog; and public access to the internet with terminals at all library locations.

In previous elections, residents supported a Special Library Parcel Tax in 1993 with 79.9% approval. In 1997, it was approved with 84% of the vote, and again in 2007, with 80.4% of the vote. This year it passed with 84.6% of the vote.

According to Acting Library Director Tim McDonald, “Measure L secures funding of the library’s operating budget for the next 15 years, protecting vital library services to the community.  I am deeply grateful for the support we received from the City’s residents which demonstrates the Pasadena Public Library is a highly valued institution. I look forward to a future that we build together that enriches the lives of all our community.”

Measure L includes accountability requirements such as public disclosure to ensure funds are used effectively and as promised. All revenue raised by Measure L will be used for the Pasadena Public Library.

Pasadena public libraries play an essential role in providing safe, accessible, and 100% free educational resource centers for everyone. Individuals and families, no matter their socioeconomic status, can count on Pasadena libraries to provide them with the resources they
need to succeed and the answers to important questions they can’t otherwise find.  In addition to their original purpose of providing information, Pasadena libraries provide early literacy and school readiness programs, free computer and Wi-Fi access, and digital literacy programs.

The Pasadena Public Library currently operates 10 neighborhood branch libraries.  Please visit them at

For more information on Measure L, please visit more information on the Pasadena Public Library, please visit

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