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Councilmember Andy Wilson will Seek Full Term in the March 7, 2017 City Election

Published on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 | 6:18 am
Andy Wilson

Pasadena City Councilmember Andy Wilson pulled nomination papers on Monday to run for a full term on the Council in the municipal election to be held on March 7th.

“I’ve been encouraged to run by many friends, neighbors and city leaders whom I respect,” said Wilson, “Serving the residents of District 7 is an honor. I enjoy the work and I would like to continue. So I’m asking the voters for a full term.”

Wilson, a businessman and long-time civic leader, was chosen by the City Council last year to fill the unexpired term of newly-elected Mayor, Terry Tornek.

In a statement, Wilson said this week that both Mayor Tornek and his predecessor as Mayor, Bill Bogaard, have endorsed Wilson’s campaign.

Wilson’s statement quotes Mayor Tornek as saying that “As one of Andy’s constituents, I’ve seen how hard-working and effective he is at representing the neighborhoods in our district. Andy is an excellent Councilmember – thoughtful, forward-looking and completely committed to Pasadena. I’m proud to support him.”

Wilson’s statement also includes a quote from former Mayor Bogaard.

“I am impressed with Andy Wilson’s work on the City Council, and I’m certain he’s the best choice for Pasadena’s future,” the statement from Wilson quotes Bogaard as saying. “Andy is a great example of our tradition of volunteer leadership. He was making tremendous contributions to the community long before he joined the Council.”

Wilson indicated that his priorities for the next four years include:

• Protecting our varied and beautiful neighborhoods – minimizing traffic, maintaining our incredible tree canopy, respecting the city’s history and heritage.

• Strengthening our city’s economy – creating and attracting good jobs so that our tax base can support strong city services, from public safety to parks and libraries.

• Helping revitalize South Lake – while managing the location and intensity of new development so that our neighborhoods aren’t overwhelmed.

The Wilson for City Council campaign will kick off with a petition-signing reception for residents of District 7 in the courtyard of the Historic Pasadena Playhouse on Sunday, November 20th, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Light refreshments and musical entertainment will be provided.

Wilson and his wife, Liz, have lived in the Madison Heights neighborhood for more than 20 years. They have two children, Spencer, aged 14, and and Dylan, aged11.

Wilson began his business career in corporate America, then transitioned to technology start-ups. He was a founder of Innovate Pasadena, a non-profit which has played a major role in helping attract new businesses and high quality jobs to Pasadena. Wilson is also a former Board Member for Pasadena Heritage and Pacific Oaks College. He has served on numerous City commissions and advisory bodies, including the Planning Commission and the Design Commission. He is actively engaged with our local schools, Pasadena Community College and Caltech.

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